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Office Pranks

Seal the outhouse

Buy a can or two of expanding polystyrene foam. Better yet, use the two piece expanding epoxy mixture. It expands to 100 times it's original volume.

Duct tape a 1 gallon bucket or some tray in the hole of the outhouse so it remains more or less at the level of the rim. You can use a few 2 x 4's cut to fit in the hole. The tighter the fit, the better. Fill the bucket or cover the boards with the expanding foam. It will fill the bucket, then overflow and expand over the area.

The foam will harden into a plug rendering the outhouse completely unuseable. The foam can be cut away using a utility knife, so the damage is not permanent.

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© Copyright 1995-2008 by Wally Glenn. All rights reserved unless otherwise noted. Hosting provided by GetWally.

The pranks listed here are for informational purposes only. We do not really advise you to pull any stunts at work other than punching in at the old time clock and doing a hard days work.